The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread

This phrase indicates a brilliant invention or discovery. Sliced bread is assumed to be a brilliant idea. For Example: “that’s the greatest idea since sliced bread,” it serves to strongly compliment the merits of the idea.

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Bread And Butter

Someone’s basic source of income or value. For Example: “I can’t skip work on Fridays. That day is my bread and butter.” That phrase implies the speaker makes a lot of money on Fridays.

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Out Of Bounds

In sports, out of bounds means outside of the field of play. This phrase can be used to symbolize something that is off-limits. For Example: “I would ask Brett’s sister on a date, but I’m afraid that might be out of bounds.” In this case, the speaker is implying that trying to date Brett’s sister […]

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Get To The Bottom Of

Reaching a state of conclusion over an issue or subject. For Example: In a murder investigation, the lead detective could tell a peer that they will “get to the bottom of this case,” meaning they will solve the case.

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Give Someone The Boot

To end relations with someone either profesionally or personally. For Example: A friend might ask, “are you still dating George?” To which one could reply, “no, I gave him the boot.”

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