Making Your Classes More Effective

Teaching is undeniably a challenging job, in fact many consider it one of the most difficult careers you could choose. Nevertheless, being a teacher is an enriching experience. Through quality education and effective teaching methodologies, teachers play a crucial role in shaping a bright future for the entire world! In the world of ESL, a […]

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The Seventh Dwarf

The evil witch Dellamorta cursed princess Rose when she was a baby. Before she turns 18, Rose will get stung in the finger by a sharp object and she and the whole castle will fall into a hundred year long sleep unless her true love would kiss her. The night before her birthday she sends […]

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Toy Story 3

Andy Davis (voice: John Morris) is 17 years old, and is heading off to college in a few days. The fact that Andy has grown from a young boy to a teenager about to leave home has not been lost on his toys. Several of them hold out hope that Andy will play with them […]

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Curious George

The Man in the Yellow Hat is an oddball museum employee who looks after his pet monkey – an inquisitive and wonderful creature whose enthusiasm often gets the best of him. The man with the yellow hat named Ted Shackleford works at a natural history museum that’s fallen on hard times. The museum director’s son […]

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How to Write a Medical Abstract

The purpose of a medical abstract is to provide a concise and useful summary of a longer medical article or study. Anyone reading the abstract should be able to judge whether it is worthwhile to read the entire article. A good abstract will make a reader want to learn more about the research and ideas […]

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