The Other Side Of The Coin

To see things from a different, opposing perspective. For Example: “let’s look at the other side of the coin for a minute and contemplate what will happen if we don’t go forward with this plan.”

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Like Clockwork

Predictable or reliable. The statement implies that something will happen as sure as another second on the clock will tick by. For Example: If an employee is never late to work, her boss might compliment her by saying, “you are like clockwork when it comes to showing up to work on time.”

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Turn Back The Clock

To recreate things as they were at an earlier time. For Example: If a couple is having some troubles in their relationship, one of them could say to the other, “let’s turn back the clock and just go back to when things were simpler.”

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Round The Clock

All day and all night. For Example: If someone were to say “I’ve been working round the clock,” they are saying they’ve been working non stop.

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