Hold Your Horses

This is a common phrase that is spoken to ask someone who is in a hurry to slow down or stop for a moment. It is a reference to a person driving a vehicle that is pulled by horses. “Holding” the horses means to stop the horses and wait. For Example: “Hold your horses! Grab […]

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Eyes Are Bigger Than Stomach

The phrase does not literally mean that a person’s eyes are actually bigger than the person’s stomach. It basically means that a person has ordered more food than they are actually able to reasonably eat. For Example: The phrase is common with children because they may often order more food than they can eat at […]

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Jumping Ship

It is usually used when talking about quitting a project or situation that seems too challenging to complete. For Example: It can be used when talking about a person: “He is jumping ship on the project.” This would basically mean the person is quitting the project. It can also be used in reference to a […]

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Steer Clear

This is a phrase that is conceptually related to driving a vehicle. The phrase is essentially saying to avoid a certain person, place, or thing. This is similar to avoiding obstacles when using the steering wheel while driving a car. For Example: The phrase can be used as a suggestion: “He recommends that people steer […]

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On The Ball

Essentially means to stay attentive and focused on a task. This can be used in various ways. One example would be: “He is really on the ball since he started eating salad every day.” Another common way of using “On the ball” is to suggest that a person should “Stay on the ball.” For Example: […]

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