PAC-MAN Game – Classic

Pac-Man is a maze arcade game developed and released by Namco in 1980. The original Japanese title of Puck Man was changed to Pac-Man for international releases as a preventative measure against defacement of the arcade machines by changing the P to an F. Outside Japan, the game was published by Midway Games as part of its licensing agreement with Namco America. The player controls Pac-Man, who must eat all the dots inside an enclosed maze while avoiding four colored ghosts. Eating large flashing dots called “energizers” causes the ghosts to turn blue, allowing Pac-Man to eat them for bonus points.


Please Enable Flash:1. Open your Google Chrome browser, then click the lock icon, beside the URL. 2. Choose Site settings. Find Flash by scrolling down. You will then see an option to Ask (default), Allow and Block. Choose Allow to enable Flash. 3. There you have it.


Please Enable Flash:

1. Open your Google Chrome browser, then click the lock icon, beside the URL.
2. Choose Site settings. Find Flash by scrolling down. You will then see an option to Ask (default), Allow and Block. Choose Allow to enable Flash.
3. There you have it.

Turn on Adobe Flash in Microsoft Edge

Adobe Flash is turned off by default in the new Microsoft Edge. This is because Adobe announced that Flash will no longer be supported after 2020. Microsoft plans to remove Flash from Windows entirely by the end of 2020. Other browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla, and Safari are also planning on removing Adobe Flash in the same timeframe.

Here’s how to allow or block Flash permanently for individual websites:
1. Go to Settings and more > Settings .
2. In the left navigation, select Site permissions.
3. In Site permissions, select Adobe Flash.
4. Set the toggle on for the Ask before running Flash option.

The Block and Allow lists will be available after you visit a site that uses Flash.

The next time you visit a site the uses Flash, the browser will ask for your permission before allowing Flash to run.

Note: This topic is for the new Microsoft Edge . Get help for the legacy version of Microsoft Edge .