Realize vs. Realise

Realise and realize are different spellings of the same word, and both are used to varying degrees throughout the English-speaking world. Realize is the preferred spelling in American and Canadian English, and realise is preferred outside North America. The spelling distinction extends to all derivatives of the verb, including realised/realized, realising/realizing, and realisation/realization. Although realize […]

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Home Remedies for Colon Cleansing

The colon, a part of the digestive system, is responsible for extracting water, salt, vitamins and nutrients from indigestible food matter, processing food that was not digested in the small intestine, and eliminating solid waste from the body. However, when it does not function properly, it begins to absorb toxins instead of eliminating them, thereby […]

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Foosball Instructions

Getting Hooked: No Spinning Allowed This chapter is intended for those who have little or no experience in Foosball at all, or for those who wish to “teach” others who have little or no experience. If you’re reading this, you’ve probably encountered good players, perhaps so good you didn’t even dream that this “game” could […]

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Laughter Therapy

What Happens When We Laugh? We change physiologically when we laugh. We stretch muscles throughout our face and body, our pulse and blood pressure go up, and we breathe faster, sending more oxygen to our tissues. People who believe in the benefits of laughter say it can be like a mild workout — and may […]

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How to Type the Water Symbol

The chemical symbol for water, H2O, stands for dihydrogen monoxide. This shorthand indicates that two hydrogen atoms, represented by H2, bonded to one oxygen atom, represented by O, forms one molecule of water. Typing the symbol for water involves using subscript for the number “2,” which both reduces its font size and lowers the base […]

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