International Workers’ Day

International Workers’ Day or May Day on May 1 is an ancient Northern Hemisphere spring festival and usually a public holiday; it is also a traditional spring holiday in many cultures. Dances, singing, and cake are usually part of the celebrations that the day includes. In the late 19th Century, May Day was chosen as […]

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Learning About Snow

Teach your child about the science of snow and get some fresh air, with these winter activities. Snowflakes and kids are made for each other. You can use your children’s natural curiosity about snow as a gateway into scientific exploration. Here’s a primer. Where Does Snow Come From? As a child, my grandmother used to […]

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Less Smartphone Time Equals Happier Teenager

A precipitous drop in the happiness, self-esteem and life satisfaction of American teens came as their ownership of smartphones rocketed from zero to 73% and they devoted an increasing share of their time online. Coincidence? New research suggests it is not. In a study published Monday in the journal Emotion, psychologists from San Diego State […]

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Benefits Of Lemons

The lemon, Citrus limon Osbeck, is a species of small evergreen tree in the flowering plant family Rutaceae, native to Asia. The tree’s ellipsoidal yellow fruit is used for culinary and non-culinary purposes throughout the world, primarily for its juice, which has both culinary and cleaning uses. The pulp and rind are also used in […]

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