Millions of Bees Dead

On Sunday morning, the South Carolina honey bees began to die in massive numbers. Death came suddenly to Dorchester County, S.C. Stressed insects tried to flee their nests, only to surrender in little clumps at hive entrances. The dead worker bees littering the farms suggested that colony collapse disorder was not the culprit — in […]

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Abdul Sattar Edhi

Pakistan’s legendary philanthropist Abdul Sattar Edhi, who devoted his life to the poor and the destitute, died on Friday at a hospital in Karachi following a prolonged illness. He was 88. Edhi’s family announced his death and his son, Faisal Edhi, asked all people to “pray for the departed soul” of his father. Earlier in […]

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Leap Second

The people responsible for measuring the world’s time have got very good at determining just how long a second is supposed to last—the most accurate clock in the world uses cesium atoms to determine the exact length of a second, and it won’t get out of sync for at least 300 million years. But the […]

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Students Face Up To 7 Years In Prison

Chinese students sitting down to the most important exams of their lives this week needed no reminder of how high stakes were. But they got one — the promise of jail time if they were caught cheating on their tests. It’s the first time that custodial sentences have been stipulated for anyone using underhand tactics […]

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The Busy Person’s Lies

HOW’S life? Oh, busy. So goes the mindless modern conversation — a constant assertion of the scarcity of time. A poll found that 61 percent of working Americans said they did not have enough time to do the things they wanted to do. Some of us feel this more acutely than others: A 2015 survey […]

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